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Clothes on characters

I might just be lacking in the skill department, but how are people adding clothing to their characters? Any feedback on how to learn or do this would be much appreciated!


Blender with the FurryVNE addon is how clothing is added. You need some skill with Blender to actually make the clothing however. I like to use a fairly easy technique when I make sleeves & leggings, which is to take the mesh on the arms & legs of my character, then duplicate them with a slight solidify modifier for a form-fitting shape on each limb.

There are other addons that people use that work wonders, but I think most are not free. Either way it requires some amount of Blender experience. It's definitely learnable with some simple Youtube tutorials & stuff though. It's definitely worth looking into if you're interested, you can do a lot of things through Blender!

2 months ago

There is a tutorial in Help > Tutorials. It can give you an overview.

2 months ago


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2 months ago