Character restriction clarification
It seems the centaur character and associated interaction I uploaded recently got removed because it violated the character restriction ToS, which is fair enough. I did check for similar characters beforehand, and found a couple in the same category (centaurs and nagas), albeit non-functional.
This leads me to the actual request/suggestion, which is a further clarification of these restrictions. Some examples:
- What constitutes a 'human' character. Is any non-human trait enough to not fall in this category? Are non-human eyes enough..?
- Is there are further specification of feral? There are a couple of characters&interactions that I would absolutely categorize as feral, but are apparently not.
- What about characters that are not human-like at all like the machines and tentacles that have appeared recently?
- Characters with additional non-functional legs?
I completely understand that specifying a clear line here is impossible, but I hope further clarification will avoid a lot of effort being put into characters (or interactions) that turn out to not be allowed. -I cry for those 10 hours-
The alternatively: Is there some way to check if a certain concept is allowed? There seems to be a discord, although it is not linked anywhere and the old yiffalicious one doensn't accept new accounts. Do we make suggestions with concepts? Post them on the patreon as comments?
While i'm not a mod/dev of any kind, it sounds like centaurs break 2-3 rules in the ToS. If the centaur has a human upper-half, that would likely break the "no humans" rule. If the centaur is furry upper-half with a horse body, then that would be breaking the rules which state "Only bipedal" and "Feral (Quadrupedal) prohibited." That would mean that characters with additional legs would be prohibited regardless of function.
Finally, characters with no human qualities like machines or my tentacle are allowed through a loophole in which they are technically props and/or utility, and as far as i'm aware, a prop tab in the cloud could be in the works. However, I know my tentacle prop sits close to that line and I completely understand if they feel it breaks their ToS.
Hi Xioli,
Regarding character legality we orient on the terms of service given by Patreon. You can find them by clicking the purple small 'Terms' text if you scroll down to the very bottom of this page or upon launching the app.
Regarding Discord: you can find a link to the inofficial Discord server inside the 'Help' section.
I totally understand why the character did not fit the ToS, I'm not trying to complain, just get clarification on some of the entries that are ambiguous. The key ones that have been left unaddressed are 'what constitutes a human' and where does a furry character become a feral one.
For the human question: I've made characters that are mostly human except for face shape, nose, ears, tail, eyes, privates. That's a quite a few non-human features, but they still look fairly human. So is it a matter of having key non-human features?
The feral one seems to be more related to how a character behaves in interactions or is posed than the character model itself.
Here is the article directly from our ToS:
Character Restrictions
Only anthropomorphic characters (characters with human-like features but based on animals, mythical creatures, or other non-human entities) are allowed on the platform.
Human characters or depictions of real people are strictly prohibited. This includes any content resembling or representing real individuals, either alive or deceased.
Only bipedal (walking upright on two legs) characters are allowed.
Feral (quadrupedal) characters are strictly prohibited.
Depictions of minors are strictly prohibited.
We reserve the right to remove any content that violates these rules.