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Inflatable lips

So I have been thinking about this for some time. Furry visual noveling editor really needs inflatable lips. If the devs are already planning to create basic oral sex interactions why not do it with big pillowy lips. Or something smaller character appropriate.

The way this would work is to make parts in the character's faces (upper and/or lower lip) inflatable just like breasts or ass and hips. Some soft body physics would work wonderfully. Even some basic texture masks would go a long way.

The problems of implicating this would be the many heads and possible variation and how to make them look good.

Of course here are some references to what I exactly mean:

Please tell me what you think about it and if it should or should not be implemented!


Might be difficult to re-make all heads this way to feature this. I think its with the creator of a character to create the illusion for puffy lips.

And that says for a lot of cosmetic suggestions, If there is a cosmetic you want, try your best to emulate it.

I have a want for long flowing hair, although as of right now it either is not implemented or will not exist. Therefor I can emulate it as much as I can without it being broken.

But you never know if the devs are up for it. Might have to wait some time until most important things are settled before this could be considered, ya know?

3 years, 9 months ago
This comment has been removed.


Might be difficult to re-make all heads this way to feature this. I think its with the creator of a character to create the illusion for puffy lips.

And that says for a lot of cosmetic suggestions, If there is a cosmetic you want, try your best to emulate it.

I have a want for long flowing hair, although as of right now it either is not implemented or will not exist. Therefor I can emulate it as much as I can without it being broken.

But you never know if the devs are up for it. Might have to wait some time until most important things are settled before this could be considered, ya know?

I think that "sample" parts (as in the case of dog noses) can be a good solution here.

3 years, 9 months ago

Lips are a very big part of expressions, which is a face with lots of moving parts and that counts for the mouth. Having an unmoving part like that is not exactly a great idea. But I suppose people can make a part like that themselves.

3 years, 9 months ago


Might be difficult to re-make all heads this way to feature this. I think its with the creator of a character to create the illusion for puffy lips.

And that says for a lot of cosmetic suggestions, If there is a cosmetic you want, try your best to emulate it.

I have a want for long flowing hair, although as of right now it either is not implemented or will not exist. Therefor I can emulate it as much as I can without it being broken.

But you never know if the devs are up for it. Might have to wait some time until most important things are settled before this could be considered, ya know?

Yeah, I understand. There is a long list of things that take priority over new ideas and nobody wants that list to grow too much. That's why I made a suggestion, to see if people like this idea and devs consider it worth the effort.

One solution would be making a specific lip texture mask just like eyeliner, teeth, or nipple mask. It would work with every head and is relatively easy to implement. Of course, you'd lose the 3d aspect and some expression. But if I have learned anything about Yiffaicious community is that people will create the most amazing characters with the simplest of tools.

I would really like to hear what devs think about this suggestion.

3 years, 9 months ago

Suggestion canceled. Everyone go home.

3 years, 6 months ago


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3 years, 9 months ago