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PartInstance privilege for mirrors.

When I was playing with the mirrors, I noticed that if we create a mirror for at least one object, regardless of whether it is the original part or PartInstance, the program adds +1 to Draw Calls.
We know this limit is worth its weight in gold and it is a little
tiring to create each "toe bean" or any other part separately, especially if symmetry is important for us. If the program treated all mirrors like PartInstances, more could be done :)


I must be frank, I'm having hard time trying to understand what you mean.

If you have a part, that's one draw call. If you mirror it, that's another draw call.

If you have a part instance of a part, then it's drawn "for free" (no extra draw calls).

Likewise, if you mirror a part instance, it doesn't affect draw calls unless it's the only one being mirrored. I.e., if you have 1 toe bean part, mirrored, and 3 part instances of that toe bean, mirrored, then it will still only be 2 draw calls in total.

3 years, 7 months ago


I must be frank, I'm having hard time trying to understand what you mean.

If you have a part, that's one draw call. If you mirror it, that's another draw call.

If you have a part instance of a part, then it's drawn "for free" (no extra draw calls).

Likewise, if you mirror a part instance, it doesn't affect draw calls unless it's the only one being mirrored. I.e., if you have 1 toe bean part, mirrored, and 3 part instances of that toe bean, mirrored, then it will still only be 2 draw calls in total.

It doesn't really matter anymore XD
Initially, I thought whether it would be possible to somehow reduce these additional draw calls, but in total I only considered symmetrical objects and not non-regular objects such as ears or horns. All in all, you can get around using the X axis.

3 years, 7 months ago


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3 years, 7 months ago