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More flexibility in feet bones for posing

The addition of movable toes is a great add-on but when trying to create feet dangling in the air, the ball of the foot cannot be rotated so it always looks as if the foot is standing on a surface, even if its suspended in the air.

The best way I can describe it is by using CanineDigitigrade 3 as an example. The toes can be moved individually but the ball of the foot where the large pawpad is located cannot.

My suggestion would be is to (if possible to implement) be able to rotate that part as well so that we can create natural looking paws for when they are suspended in the air. That way, feet can be posed in more ways while still looking natural.


I haven't honestly thought about this, thanks for opening my eyes for that!

We'll look in to it.

2 years, 1 month ago

There is a similar problem with the wrists when you bend the joint, it often doesn't look natural, and it's also quite difficult to form a real fist.

2 years, 1 month ago


There is a similar problem with the wrists when you bend the joint, it often doesn't look natural, and it's also quite difficult to form a real fist.

Thanks, we will try to improve upon that too.

Can you name any specific hands you feel is particular problematic?

2 years, 1 month ago

I started a thread in the forum.

2 years, 1 month ago

I'll copy-paste my respons to @Vandred I did on the forums

"Thank you for highlighting this!

Your attention to the feet has made me and odes to discuss this a bit and we've agreed that we will add a extra bone, dedicated to the ball of the foot for better deformation for when characters stand on their toes plus a overhaul of the skinning of the feet overall. I will do these improvements along with my content updates

For the forearm deformation - this will be improved upon when the first interaction build has been released with a more improved and in sync driver that will increase the fidelity of the flexes."

2 years, 1 month ago

A picture says more than a thousand words . ;)

Thank you, much appreciated!

2 years, 1 month ago


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2 years, 1 month ago