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Character actualisation

It would be nice to add a character update option in the cloud, because many of us learn this program and sometimes new solutions appear, and it's a shame to lose karma points or OwO's.

I see it this way (for example):
The character of the same author with the same name would be replaced by the new model with all ratings and OwO's.

What do you think?
It is possible?

Developer response

You're now able to update characters. Simply go to the publishing page and check the "Update existing" checkbox.


Yes! I have some updates that need to be done. But I think I have heard somewhere, just forgot where to find it that something like that will happen.

There is an "iteration" stat next to characters, every one has 1 iteration. I suppose thats the counter for how many times it has been updated and cloned by others. Dont know if that means we will be able to update later down the line.

4 years, 3 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
Suggestion status
Spend votes
4 years, 3 months ago