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Bundled character variations

If I have a female and a male version of the same character that only differ in a few features, few sliders tweaked, it would be nice to store this difference in the original characters file. And a selectbox could then be used to "apply" said variation.

For UX i can imagine a variations menu section where I can add new entries (Just like a new part) and then all the tweakable fields would go grey as I'm now in a variation mode. Everything I change goes back to white, signaling that it's now part of that variation.

So essentially this variation data would be an overlay over the base data.

Right now to have variations of a character I have to save them to different files, but if I make some adjustment to a common feature I either have to do it again for the variant or replicate the variation on the original.

This would be useful for female/futa/male variants or twin characters



2 years ago

That's a really interesting suggestion. I like this idea a lot.

Adding to pile of great ideas that I maybe can start looking at after interactions have been made.

2 years ago

Something like this that acts as an improved "Skin Slots" function like what Yiffalicious had would be amazing. It's unfortunate that even small changes for a character that would be nice to swap between like tattoos, hair color or full palette swaps requires saving an entirely separate version of the character. It would be great if these features were available in Interactions as well & not just the Character Editor, if possible.

2 months, 2 weeks ago


vote sum by 3 users.
Suggestion status
Under review.
Spend votes
2 years ago