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Bring back the fill mask layer

What happened to it, why can you no longer just fill a mask and just directly manipulate albedo smoothness etc.

Developer response

Fill and FillMask have been merged into 1 layer simply called "Fill". Check "Use mask" in properties if you want to use a mask with the layer.


Areola for example are now just permanent flat colors

4 years, 2 months ago

I agree. Coloring this way was much faster :/

4 years, 2 months ago

@anonanonson @JohnVermer

I'm really confused what you mean with this. There's literally no difference in functionality between the way it works now and before, except that you check "Use mask" in Fill layer. The reason we have it this way is because it would be weird to have 2 types of layers for each type (imagine having a SSS fill and SSS mask, thickness fill, thickness mask etc). Instead, everything has been standardized and has a "use mask" property. But the way layers are applied is exactly the same.

4 years, 2 months ago

Actually, you are right. But when I was working on my last project, I had a comparison of the functionality of both options and somehow I had the impression that in the Gradient option everything is done twice, placing single layers like tattoos was faster with "Fill mask". But I don't know, maybe it's a matter of habit and learning of this new function ;)

4 years, 2 months ago


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4 years, 2 months ago