Pose-able Tongue
Would you be able to create a slider for tongue length in the Pose Mode, or maybe even the tongue options including shape?
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Would you be able to create a slider for tongue length in the Pose Mode, or maybe even the tongue options including shape?
Yes please
Oh yes, I would like to be able to position my tongue more in the poses.
Bump. Would be nice to be able to pose the tongue and have it move on the timeline. Even better if it had its own little control like fingers.
Acces to tongue movement inside interaction build would be great like making a character stick it out or - on later builds - make it move around for oral scenes.
In addition to that, inside the edit mode, the tongue can't be targeted the way it is currently (due to it's like the shaft or the eyes a special instance on it's own) but for the sake of potential tongue piercings, we probably want a "snap to tongue" feature some day in the future.
for piercing and stuff like that : custom tongue
there is already an import option for custom nipple.
male genitalia (and female one too, probably) work as """part""" like nipple, well nipples are garments, but i see a lot of similarities, and clearly see a system of import custom genital or anus...
so why not the tongue ?
and plus their is already the exact same layer coloration system as the body but separated... it mean no sense at all, because we can't really exploit it deeply with the base tongues, i mean 99% of the characters just have their tongue blue, black, or red and that it.
Absolutely. The only reason why all those things on the tongue are not implemented til now is, that tongue has no priority as the final system on how they should work is not planned and worked out till today. So long term something like what you said will come, just not like -now-.