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Specific Part Availability

So I've seen the cumshot being used in screenshots for characters when I view them. I understand that's a part you can implement but I do not see it when I look through the part selection box. Is this a part that is not yet implemented here or how would I get that as a part?


People can make their own parts and import it, which that person most likely did.

1 year, 6 months ago

not sure if this belongs under suggestions, but to get that specific part, export a character using that part and import it into Blender. from there, remove all assets except the part u wish to keep, and export it as .obj file. then, import your newly saved .obj to your own character in FVNE

remember to ask for permission to the author of the part if u wish to share it to the cloud!

alternatively, make your own part from scratch

hope it helps

1 year, 6 months ago

You can also extract local assets from a selected character by going to View->Local Assets from the main menu. Then you click on the asset you want, then hit the "Extract" button in the Properties view. This works for textures too.

1 year, 6 months ago

Thanks you all, very much appreciated!

1 year, 6 months ago

Yeah, I imported that one obj on a character ages ago and it's been around ever since lol. If you're looking for more shapes, my anubis derivative has a quite nice dripping asset.

1 year, 5 months ago


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1 year, 6 months ago