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part shape keys

cloth already has this, where you can essentially have multiple shapes in the same object. it would be nice to have the same for parts. as an example, a visored helmet could have a 'visor up' and a 'visor down' shape, instead of needing two different objects to accomplish the same effect.


In the example of visor, it would be better to have a sub part with the transform values exposed so you can rotate the visor.

1 year, 5 months ago


In the example of visor, it would be better to have a sub part with the transform values exposed so you can rotate the visor.

not the best example maybe (but creative solution to it!), I still think it could be useful

1 year, 5 months ago

I had the idea myself, so you could create it like this, for example, that a canine figure "puts its ears back" and not just turn it backwards. What I would like to have; the question is whether this is technically feasible?

1 year, 5 months ago


vote sum by 4 users.
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1 year, 5 months ago