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increase draw call limit

seeing as fur authoring causes high draw call could we increase the limit alittle to offset it

Developer response

After a short discussion we agreed on keeping thing as they are for now till URP Migration is done.

Potentially, once we have it implemented, we can reconsider changing the current limits on characters.



The draw calls limit is implemented to prevent things from going bad later, when we have more characters on screen. It's a necessary limitation.

There's currently no justification for increasing draw calls, when the tools to optimize are already there. If you're using part instancing, you can stay within the draw calls limit with more to spare.

3 years, 10 months ago


The draw calls limit is implemented to prevent things from going bad later, when we have more characters on screen. It's a necessary limitation.

There's currently no justification for increasing draw calls, when the tools to optimize are already there. If you're using part instancing, you can stay within the draw calls limit with more to spare.

I thought, that at this place it could be a simple warning instead of a limit, although in fact someone who is not an author might not know what he is dealing with : /

I guess it's better to stay as it is.

3 years, 10 months ago


vote sum by 1 user.
Suggestion status
Under review.
Spend votes
3 years, 10 months ago